When did you last review your training needs?
The HSE Approved Code of Practice (ACOP L8) for the control of legionella bacteria in water systems is supported by very specific guidance documents – HSG 274 parts 1, 2 and 3.
When did you last review your management and control systems to ensure you are compliant and that each and every member of staff understnds their role in maintaining safety standards?
Legionella awareness training tailored for staff at all levels within your organisation will help to ensure that the control measures you invest in are maintained and that you stay compliant.
ACOP L8 specifically refers to:
Risk management: Employers must take reasonable steps to ensure that any control measures are properly used and applied. This requires having arrangements in place for the management of health and safety, having access to competent health and safety advice, and providing employees with suitabel training.
HSE competency; Inadequate management, lack of training and poor communication are all contributory factors in outbreaks of legionnaires’ disease. It is important that the people involved in assessing risk and applying precautions are competent, trained and aware of their responsibilities.
Communication: The duty holder should ensure that all employees involved in work that may expose an employee or other person to legionella are given suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training. This includes information, instruction and training on the significant findings of the risk assessment and the appropriate precautions and actions they need to take to safeguard themselves and others.
Training: Providing all employees, at all levels, with the knowledge they need to fulfil their role-specific responsibilities, be they supervisory or hands-on.
Airmec Essential Services offers:
- Cost effective on -site training
- Practical advice and guidance
- Peace of mind
October 2022
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