01454 275050    enquiries@airmec.co.uk

Constructionline platinum!

Risk assessment and planning session for air and water safety

Airmec has passed a stringent on-site audit to win Constructionline Platinum status.

This is increasingly the benchmark set by government agencies and integrated FM companies who require absolute reassurance that their suppliers maintain sound business and risk management practices at all times.

Constructionline members pre-qualify for clients and contracts across the UK, streamlining the procurement process by reassuring buyers that an organisation has been subjected to increased scrutiny around governance and risk management.

We have been Gold Members of Constructionline for some time, and have now invested in this on-site auditing process to ensure that all of our customers know they can partner with us in absolute confidence.

Membership is proof that a supplier goes above and beyond the pre-qualification requirements of PAS 91 and meet the Common Assessment Standard, which takes into account factors such as equality and diversity, environmental management, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and corporate and social responsibility.

The highest levels of Constructionline membership are also proof of accreditation to Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) a single platform for managing health and safety compliance and information, another big time saver for procurement professionals when checking a company’s credentials.

Airmec is also accredited by CHAS a co-founder of Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) and the Common Assessment Standard, and our site staff are also subject to high level security clearance.

Published: 26 September 2022

BESA Building Engineering Services Association logo. Airmec accrediation.
IHEEM logo
Legionella Control Association logo
ROSPA logo
Fire Protection Association logo
Construction Line - Airmec platinum accrediation
Vent hygiene register logo

Airmec Essentila Services

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Airmec Essential Services
Linden House
Almondsbury Business Centre
Bradley Stoke
BS32 4QH

Telephone: 01454 275050
Company Registration No: 04711853

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Armed Forces Covenant accrediation logo