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We're TR19 Air ready

Is your ventilation hygiene and maintenance regime taking full advantage of the new TR19® Air guidance?

The new version of the TR19® guidance on how ventilation systems should be cleaned and maintained in order to meet statutory regulations was finally published on 15 April 2024.

It is the end result of exhaustive work by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) to consult with the industry and refine earlier drafts of the standard. It has been worth the wait to get it just right as the new version will probably stand for many years.

Remember, insurers often require that TR19® guidance is followed, and while it is not strictly a legal requirement, a court of law would also take a dim view of an organisation that had not followed the guidance on cleaning frequencies and methods at all times.

Don’t put off your current cleaning and maintenance schedules and processes while you wait to asess the new guidance, but do check that your contractor is on the ball. They should be ready to advise you of any changes you will need to make, and help you to prioritise and schedule any changes. As a building’s owner or operator, you remain responsible for regulatory compliance of your air distribution and ventilation systems, and TR19® compliance is the best way to be sure that you are achieving that.

Meeting the new guidance should not involve major changes or significant extra costs for you. Many of the updates are quite technical, involving the detail of how contamination is measured, for instance, and reflecting the growing recognition of the importance of air quality. At Airmec we especially welcome greater emphasis on the cleaning of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems, an area we have always considered to be a potential weak point in many clients’ compliance planning, and where we have specific expertise.

The key take away from the review is to check the competency and experience of anyone undertaking survey work on your systems or advising on ongoing cleaning work. Are they TR19® Air ready?

Why is TR19 changing?

The new TR19® Air will be a logical partner to the TR19® Grease which was introduced in 2019 as stand-alone guidance to address particular concerns about build-up of grease in commercial kitchen extracts, a common source of fires.

So BESA will be offering two pieces of guidance on air hygiene:
  • TR19® Grease Specification for Fire Risk Management of Grease Accumulation within Kitchen Extraction Systems.
  • TR19® Air Guide to Good Practice – Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems (UPDATED 2023). (This replaces TR19® Guide to Good Practice – Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems.)

A valid TR19 certificate from a competent contractor is seen as proof that your ventilation supply and extract systems are safe to use and have been cleaned and decontmainated to a suitable standard. Inclusion in the Ventilation Hygiene Register is a good indication of such competence.

About TR19 Air and air quality

TR19® Air responds to demand for guidance on improving indoor air quality, a growing concern for employers and building managers who are required by law to ensure the indoor environment remains safe for the workers and visitors. TR19® Air emphasises the importance of regular maintenance in removing dust, allergens, mould spores and other contaminants that can trigger respiratory issues and allergies.

Energy efficiency is also a concern as debris and dust build up can impede airflow, forcing fans to work harder, so increasing energy consumption and wear and tear on the system.

Find out more about Airmec air hygiene services.

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Airmec works with NHS and private hospitals and is is a corproate member of IHEEM
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Airmec Essential Services
Linden House
Almondsbury Business Centre
Bradley Stoke
BS32 4QH

Telephone: 01454 275050
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