Still proudly independent, Airmec plays an essential role in keeping your staff, customers, patients and visitors safe by ensuring that workplaces and public buildings throughout the UK remain compliant with HSE regulations and guidance. Our planned maintenance programmes, risk assessment surveys, regular testing, and inspections can be followed by turnkey remedial and reinstatement work where necessary.
Indoor Air Quality
Our ventilation and air hygiene maintenance services are designed to improve air quality and energy efficiency, plus reduce fire risk. We conduct fire damper testing and remediation or replacement. We also undertake duct work cleaning, can test local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems, and monitor air quality for exposure to hazardous substances.
Water Safety Management
We provide water hygiene and water treatment services to safeguard water from contamination by pathogens such as Legionella, Pseudomonas and biofilm deposits. Our rigorous approach to risk assessments, water sampling and water hygiene services keeps your premises safe.
Compliance Driven – Security Cleared
Our aim is to minimise disruption without compromising on compliance-driven thoroughness. Our staff have the highest security clearances enabling them to work in restricted and sensitive areas for governmental, military, educational, industrial, life science and healthcare clients.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the safety of the people who use buildings you are responsible for, or are unsure about your compliance with HSE guidance.